fastest 3D software for linux

Linux 3D
interactive ray-tracing
[1 introduction] [2 overview] [3 reference] [4 GUI]




Find FormatIO pointer by it's file name extension
PExtension The file name extension
PIOModules List of pointers to IOModules
PNIOModules Number of IOModules in list
PFlags OR-ed flags of optional EREAD and EWRITE

E3dIOModule* E3d_IOModuleByFileNameExtension(const char* PExtension, E3dIOModule** PIOModules, const EIndex PNIOModules, const uint32_t PFlags)

const char* PExtension The file name extension E3dIOModule** PIOModules List of pointers to IOModules const EIndex PNIOModules Number of IOModules in list const uint32_t PFlags OR-ed flags of optional EREAD and EWRITE
Returns the IOModule that matches the given file name extension and flags. If PFlags is 0, the first IOModules for the given extension will be returned. If PFlags has EREAD and/or EWRITE, only IOModules with read and/or write capabilities will be considered. For example, if PFlags is EREAD|EWRITE, the firs IOModule with matching file extension and both read and write support will be returned.

Return value
The IOModule matching the criteria, or NULL, if no match was found
© 1996-2022 By Gabor Nagy